Thursday, October 31, 2019

Enhlis CASE 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enhlis CASE 3 - Term Paper Example Prezi is sometimes is called the zooming presentation, and it is used to create presentations that are considered more dynamic than power point. The presentation or the story is laid out in a visual canvas and the area can be changed to see more details or less detail. Power point is more flexible for some slide purposes and you can do a variety of things with it. Discussion There are certain differences between the two software, and the biggest difference is probably the non-linear nature of Prezi against the linear structure of power point. In many occasions power point remains the staple for most presentations and forms the basis for much of the visual content delivered in online presentations and trainings ( Bunzel, 2006). Let’s try a completely non-linear presenting or for teaching approach. Like having a very detailed Prezi and takes cues from your audience at which bits they want to look at: if the learners can access then you don’t have to use traditional presen tation in the beginning. Power point has linear navigation, uses slide stack layout, computer based, and has multiple printing options. Power point is more popular than Prezi which is non-linear, uses map layout, web based, and has limited printing options. Try and present your learners with Prezi to look around, you can also try and add your content. Learners will work through and take notes or use the content that they find most useful. Power point is good at creating lecture framework, visualizing content, organizing student note-taking, and explaining complex concepts and processes through charts, graphs and animations. The look of your presentation of power point software can be affected by difference in font sizes in different computers (Norwood, 2009). Prezi is a presentation that allows you to display your ideas in form of images, text, videos. Etc., by planning to them or zooming in on them. With the ability to zoom the images, Prezi also provide some tools to edit those ob jects including tools to rotate, resize, recolor, and crop them. With the high and faster technological growth in the world, the use of power point is become more unreliable compared to Prezi. In fact, (Norwood, 2009), says that, ‘power point presentation are so ubiquitous these days that the mere name of this software has become synonymous with ‘boring’ and ‘mundane’.’ Prezi being an online based becomes a more evolutional and convenient software. The use of Prezi for system upgrade is more effective and brings more impacts to the new jobs. The use of Prezi provides a wide range of presentation and is more productive nowadays than power point. Unlike power point prezi is not being affected by the difference in fonts of different computer systems. Therefore it’s more productive and easy to access. Power point is always installed in the system. That makes it difficult to share the work done with power point to other people. Being online b ased software, Prezi is an alternative for student’s lecturers, and researchers. The ease of sharing the worksheet and personal presentation via internet since it’s an online software. The use of Prezi can be highly recommended for upgrading since it is a best chance of improving income. The use of Prezi is convenient in advertising, mailing and any business related work. To improve corporate finance it’s advisable to use Prezi. Conclusion It is clearer that most people use power point than Prezi.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

No topic - Assignment Example This was a great idea especially because it ensured that the participants of the initiative had minimal interaction with the locals. To an extent, this idea would be helpful in maintaining the focus of the participants. However, when looked at as a long term effect, this scheme does more harm than good. I am for the idea that at least a couple of locals should be involved in the construction process of the church (Lane 78). It is noteworthy that the essence of building the church is promoting Christianity in the region. As a matter of fact, a church is meant to welcome all, both Christians and non-Christians. Owing to the fact that this church was being built for the locals of MÃ ©xico, it was important to incorporate them in both the planning and the building processes. It is only through this that the locals would feel like their efforts were needed towards the building of the church. Actually, this would make the locals accept and attend the church more as compared to when they are left out in the building process. For this reason, from my expertise, I would suggest that some locals be involved in not just the planning but also the building of the church. Another pertinent issue in this project is the purchase of the deliverables needed to complete the project. It is a really great idea for the planning board to arrange for the purchase of construction materials back in the United States of America before the team sets off to MÃ ©xico. This is important in ensuring that project quality is maintained. In addition, this is also aimed at avoiding the complications that might be involved in cross-cultural business transactions. However, I am of the idea that at least some materials should be purchased locally in MÃ ©xico. It is important to note that would feel much more attached to church and involved in its construction if some components and materials are purchased locally. That notwithstanding, this

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Report of Environmental and Palaeoclimatic Changes

Report of Environmental and Palaeoclimatic Changes A multi-proxy report of environmental and palaeoclimatic changes.   Introduction The question as to whether peat stratigraphy could be used as an archive of past climate change was unresolved in the 1970’s (Aaby, 1976). Peats where used as sedimentary archives from which only pollen could be extracted. However, it was long believed that peats growth was cyclical. Due too scientific advances within theories and techniques peat can now be used to derive many variables that are inherent within the structure of peat bogs and hence the study of peat embodies a library of characteristics that show different variables through-time, relevant to climate changes. Peat can be accurately used to reconstruct past climatic conditions. This is shown through changes in colour from lighter to darker which indicates wetter or drier shifts (Barber et al, 2000). When observed the colours within peat can indicate the composition of what climactic variables were during its accumulation. A lighter coloured peat would be associated to an environment cooler in temperature with more precipitation and darker peat with more high percentage of organic material present and would show a warmer climate with less precipitation (Chiverrell, 2001). Additionally, due to the absence of Oxygen within waterlogged peat bogs, the peat becomes preserved this in-turn can be studied due to how well preserved peat bogs remain through-time. The principle of palaeoclimatology is the study of climatic changes on Earth, in regards to the Earth’s history as a whole. Palaeoclimatology can be used through many various proxy methods to obtain data preserved within; sediments, rocks, tree rings, Peat and testate amoebae. Aims The aims of the multi-proxy investigation into Holcroft Moss were to; To investigate recent climate change To study the level of extent anthropogenic features have impacted on the surrounding environment Hutton and Lyell described the term, Uniformitarianism, as â€Å"the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe†. This can be applied to peat and allows for nearly modern day accuracy on analysed data due to the rule of uniformitarianism and its role in throughout nature. Study Site Holcroft Moss, Cheshire, is located 10 miles west from the City of Manchester and is found just south of a major motorway the M62 (Figure 1).      The site itself is a site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) since 1991 (Natural England, 1991). Managed and owned by the Cheshire Wildlife Trust on behalf of Natural England. It is essential to best preserve this site as much as possible, due to this Cheshire Wildlife Trust have added wildlife such as cattle and sheep to constantly maintain the arena through grazing whilst also actively clearing trees and shrubbery to maintain the water table to a stable level (Cheshire Biodiversity, 2008). It is crucial that the site is kept waterlogged to varying degrees as this helps contain levels of carbon within the site and the carbon does not leech out into the surrounding environment. Correct preservation of carbon within the peat bog itself permits for an analyses that still abides by the law of uniformitarianism, allowing for good data to be collected with regards to previous climatic activity. Holcroft Moss has been studied since the 1960s in order to better understand past climatic changes, this was first done through the study of pollen within the site but through scientific advances and-time many of these first case studies have been discredited because these early techniques are not up to the standards of modern day, technological quality and methods. The information from data collected during the 1960s and 1970s is not as reliable as more recent studies. Figure 1; The location of Holcroft Moss (University of Edinburgh, 2013)( ©Ordnance Survey). Methodology Four data sets where collected to then in turn be analysed. Pollen preps where done for students upon for the interpretation of data. Standard procedures were followed for the laboratory preparation and analyses of pollen, Humification, plant macrofossils and XRF samples (Moore et al 1991, Blackford Chambers, 1993) where followed. Results   Core Description: Depth of core (cm) Description 0 4 Light Brown (0 – 1cm) Dark Brown (1 – 2cm) Light Brown (2 – 4cm) Small amounts of organic material 4 22 Darker than previous sample (0 4cm) (Very dark brown) High amounts of organic material 22 42 Organic material present Light brown 42 58 Very dark brown Some organic material 58 – 72 Very dark Brown almost black in colour Some sections are light brown. Very little organic material 72 80 Black peat with sections of medium brown dense in organic material 80 – 95 Black No/little organic material 95 – 100 Black No organic material dense Table 1; Description of 100cm core from LJMU taken in October 2014 from Holcroft Moss, Cheshire, UK. Table 1 shows eight sections within a 100m core taken from Holcroft moss in October 2014. These eight sections where divided by the group and studied for their various different characteristics. These eight sections show with in them, transitional phases inherent to the peat bog. The light brown layers indicate poorly humified peat showing, a wetter, cooler climatic shift indicating a time with more precipitation. The darker brown areas and black parts within the 100m core show a warmer climate with less precipitation and possible influences from another source around the environment of the peat bog. Pollen Analysis Figure 2; Pollen Diagram for Holcroft Moss, Cheshire, UK. The pollen diagram has a radiocarbon date at 50cm depth and the pollen results can be used to determine an age for the upper part of the profile. Pollen studied has been expressed showing the percentage (%) of total land pollen. The pollen analysis is split into five zones (HOL- 1-5) and percentage of tree, shrubs and herbs is represented throughout these zones which can also indicated the type of climatic environment the peat bog inhabited. Different zones at Holcroft Moss, Cheshire. Comparing averages of tree, shrub, herbs and spore species throughout that period. Depth (cm) Zone Pollen name(s) Avg % Additional information. 0 – 15 HOL-5 Betula (Birch) Poaceae (Grass family) à ¢- ª 30 à ¢- ª 53 Betula (Birch) will colonise dry bog areas and areas around a dry bog. Poaceae (Grass) is likely to be derived from both local and regional sources. Hol-5 shows a dry climate. 15 – 35 HOL-4 Sphagnum (Bog moss) Poaceae (Grass family) Ericaceae (Heather family) à ¢- ª 24 à ¢- ª 30 à ¢- ª 30 Sphagnum (Bog Moss) often arises on wet areas of a bog. As stated above Poaceae can be derived from both local and regional sources. Additionally, the introduction of Ericaceae (Heather family) Found locally. Hol-4 shows a wetter climate. 35 – 60 HOL-3 Sphagnum (Bog moss) Poaceae (Grass family) Cyperaceae (Sedge family) Ericaceae (Heather Family) à ¢- ª 22 à ¢- ª 18 à ¢- ª 24 à ¢- ª 16 Hol-3 shows a climate similar to Hol-4, with the introduction of Cyperaceae (Sedge family) a herb which is found extra-local or regional. 60 – 80 HOL-2 Sphagnum (Bog moss) Ericaceae (Heather family) Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Myrica Gale (Bog Myrtle) Ainus Glutinosa (Alder) Quercus (Oak) Betula (Birch) à ¢- ª 25 à ¢- ª 25.5 à ¢- ª 17.5 à ¢- ª 9 à ¢- ª16 à ¢- ª 9 à ¢- ª10.5 In comparison to Hol-3 the climatic conditions are similar but probably slightly warmer, due to the same average percentage of Sphagnum which represents a wetter climate. However, Hol-2 shows an introduction of many various tress. Herbs, spores and shrubs, many regional or extra local such as; Oak, birch, Alder and Hazel. And also Myrica Gale (Bog Myrtle) a peat land shrub which grows in drier parts of a bog at only a 9 % average throughout, representing a slightly warmer climate. 80 – 105 HOL-1 Sphagnum (Bog moss) Poaceae (Grass family) Cyperaceae (Sedge Family) Ericaceae (Heather Family) Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Myrica Gale (Bog Myrtle) Ainus Glutinosa (Alder) Quercus (Oak) Betula (Birch) à ¢- ª 45 à ¢- ª 5 à ¢- ª 9 à ¢- ª 20 à ¢- ª 9 à ¢- ª 11 à ¢- ª 17 à ¢- ª 9 à ¢- ª 14 Hol-1 shows a very wet climate with Sphagnum (bog moss) having an average of 45% in comparison to the other four zones which are found at only half the amount of sphagnum. Many regional and extra local pollen spores are found and Myrica Gale (Bog Myrtle) has increased slightly showing a possible change in climate. Testate Amoebae Analysis Figure 3; Testate amoebae ordered left to right according to depth of water table for Holcroft Moss, Cheshire, UK. Figure 3 shows the levels of depth 0-100cm where different Testate Amoebae are located. Throughout a 100cm peat core taken from Holcroft Moss, Cheshire in October 2014. A high number of Cyclopyxis Arcelloides are found at depths from 0-10cm after this depth hardly any trace is found of Cyclopyxis Arcelloides. Hyalosphenia Subflava associated with a drier climate and a lower water table spikes throughout 15 -25cm. This species decreases from 25-30cm where Arcella Discoides competes and is frequently found in percentage (20-80%) throughout the depths of 25-85cm. Hyalosphenia Subflava reoccurs after 20-25cm and is the dominate species of testate amoebae found throughout 30-50cm, 55-60cm and from 75-100cm. Other testate amoebae which can be found throughout 30-75 cm are; Assunlina Muscorum, assulina seminulum, archeralla flavum and archerella wrightianum in varying amounts all competing with each other, some of these Testate Amoebae are more suited to the conditions of a wetter higher water table such as; Archerella Flavum however, others at the depth of 35-70cm prefer a drier low water table, such as; Assunlina Muscorum. Many of these species reduce in percentage after a depth of 75cm for Hyalosphenia Subflava to become the dominate testate amoebae species found in Holcroft Moss which indicates a drier climate with a lower water table. Humification Data Figure 4; Humification data. Annotated showing varying levels of light transmission. Taken from 100m core, Holcroft moss, Cheshire. October 2014. Figure 4 shows different climatic periods. These are taken from the Humification data which analyses levels of light transmission going through a sample. Throughout the 100m core taken. The data was analysed and collectively put together to be interpreted. The data shows different climates variants throughout time the 100cm peat sample had been accumulating. At lower depths the sample represents a wetter climate, then throughout the middle it indicates a drier climate to then go back into a wetter climate throughout the top 20cm. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Data Figure 5; XRF analysis for lead (Pb) concentration in parts per million (PPM) showing down core trends. Annotated showing radio carbon dates. Holcroft Moss, Cheshire. October 2014. Figure 5 shows low levels of lead (Pb) within peat. From 1880 AD and earlier, there are only minor amounts of Pb found within the depths of 30-100cm. However at 30-0cm the peat shows a much higher concentration of Pb this is around the time of 1880 AD (the industrial revolution). After this time Pb concentration found within Holcroft moss increases up to 800+ PPM for 92 years (1972) after this Pb concentration declines into 200 PPM for current day. Discussion To further understand the palaeoclimatic reconstruction from the peat bog located at Holcroft Moss, the proxy data is combined, and considered from all the proxies data studied. This allows for a clearer, more incise data set shown rather than a singular proxy was only studied like in the 1970s (Barber, 2009). Data from the multi-proxy study into Holcroft Moss and the past climatic changes throughout a 100cm core taken shows representative evidences which allows for the correct interpretation of these data sets to allow for a better evidence in understanding past climatic changes. For example, figure 3 and 4 give insight into corresponding wet and dry climatic shifts, this is shown through testate Amoebae species and through the Humification of peat samples from Holcroft Moss. Wet and Cool Climatic shifts. To correctly analyses wet and cool climatic shifts Humification data (figure 4) allows for the interpretation of light transmission. Throughout this data set there are indications to a wetter climate with more precipitation throughout the poorly humified peat this is found throughout 0cm-18cm and also from 80-105cm. Poorly Humfied peat suggest a cooler climate due to the high levels of light transmission found throughout these areas of the sample taken, this also indicates more precipitation at the time (Chiverrell, 2001). When comparing Humification data to the Testate Amoebae study (figure 3) it shows two periods where a wet, cooler climate is found, indicated due to the types of species found within the testate amoebae 100cm core taken. When analysed there are small shifts between 20-25cm, with a change in species throughout 35-85cm, the dominant testate amoebae being Archerella Flavum which represents a higher water table and that of an environment which has more precipitation, indicating a wet and cool climatic shift. Dry and Warm Climatic Shifts. When comparing Humification (figure 4) data to testate amoebae (figure 3) data to analyses periods of warmer climates it is evident that throughout 20-85cm the climate was a wetter cooler climate with high levels of precipitation. However, between 5-20cm and 85-100cm the dominant species is Hyalosphenia Subflava. The species reoccurs from depths at 5-20, 30-50, 55-60, 70-85, 90 and 100cm the presence of Hyalosphenia Subflava would indicate a dry, warmer climate. However, when compared to Humification data, some of these dry shift are not shown, this may be due to the fact Humification data may not show subtle changes in an environment whereas a living organising depends on certain characteristics within the environment which show some subtle changes in climate that Humification data could not determine correctly. The data from Humification may show altering data presenting longer wetter phase in climate but when compared to Testate Amoebae data the evidences sometimes shows the oppos ite indicating a dry warm climatic shift, these errors are found usually found with in a transition period in the climate, this may be why data is interpreted different due to the reason variables within the peat are changing. Human Impacts The best evidence within the study of multi-proxies to test on how much involvement anthropogenic features have within the environment of the peat bog is found within the XRF data. the evidences shows lead (Pb) in PPM within peat at Holcroft Moss (1280 AD and earlier – to present day). From 1280 AD the presence of Pb was hardly an influence within the peat bog, this changed from 1880 AD onwards, which was due to the introduction of lead within the environment. Pb in PPM throughout the Holcroft Moss sample constantly rises for 92 years, to then decrease (1972 AD) However, these levels are still high concentrations of PB and are found at (200+ PPM). From 1880 -1972 AD lead constantly rises and this would coincide with the industrial revolution, which includes the introduction of engines which used lead, this input from human based activities towards the environment is clearly shown in the XRF data and the Pb percentage drops in the 1980’s which coincides with the replacement of leaded petrol to unleaded petrol, it is more than likely that the use of automobiles, especially with Holcroft Moss being located so close to the M62 had an influence on Pb input throughout the time of 1880-1972AD and still continues to this day. Conclusion The Multi-proxy study of palaeoclimatic changes within the Earth through data sets taken from Holcroft Moss allow for a reconstruction of previous climates at that time this peat was accumulating. Holcroft Moss, Cheshire is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) as the site allows for multiple outputs of data, which can in turn be used for an approach of how aspects within the accumulation of peat have changed through-time. Peat bogs do not rely on outside factors to influence growth and production of peat. The system is sustainable and constant, with the only variable changing its characteristics being climate and the input of regional/extra local inputs, natural or anthropogenic. Due to this, outside factors influencing or affecting the area have a minor effect of the full development of a peat but can still be measured precisely showing a clear and accurate reconstruction of past environments and climates. References Aaby, B., 1976. Cyclic climatic variations in climate over the past 5500 years reflected in raised bogs. Nature 263, 281–284 Barber, K. E. et al. 2000. Replicated proxy-climate signals over the last 2000 yr from two distant UK peat bogs: new evidence for regional palaeoclimate telecommunications. Quaternary Science Reviews. Volume 19. pp. 481-487. Blackford, J.J. and Chambers, F.M. (1993). Determining the degree of peat decomposition for peat-based palaeoclimatic studies. International Peat Journal 5, 7-24. Barber, P. (2009). Peat stratigraphy and climate change. Quaternary International, [online] Quaternary International 268(2012) 1–8. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2015]. Chiverrell, R. C. 2001. A proxy record of late Holocene climate change from May Moss, northeast England. Journal of Quaternary Science. Volume 16. pp. 9-29. Moore, P.D., Webb, J.A. Collinson, M.E. (1991). Pollen Analysis, Blackwell, Oxford. Websites Natural England, (1991). Holcroft Moss. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2015].

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Orthodox Catholics - Orthodox Catholics are the most devout members of the Catholic Church. They adhere to the Church’s teachings rigorously by regularly participating in Church practices and rituals such as attending mass and other catholic ceremonies. They are fully immersed in the institutional life of the Church. Their Catholic identity is publicly manifested in their social, political, and economic life. Their social structure is almost entirely based around the church’s teachings, as well as immersing themselves around people who have the same strong catholic beliefs as themselves. It is likely that if conflict occurred between the Church’s teachings, family, work or social life, that the orthodox members will favour with the church. This was seen during the church’s child abuse scandals in 2009, members of the Catholic Church who didn’t have rigorously strict catholic beliefs tended to move away from the church after the scandals however the orthodox members remained loyal to the church. Orthodox Christians prevailed through Ireland from 1880-1990’s. Now however it is often regarded as just a ‘stereotypical viewpoint of Irish Catholism’ or something that is linked with previous generations. There has been a significant orthodox Catholics have also disappeared from the fields of education, health, and social welfare. DISAGREE ON ISSUES SUCH AS--- PROTESTS. Creative Catholics - The concept of creative catholic is used to describe Catholics who no longer strictly adhere to the Catholic Church’s teachings but rather choose which beliefs, teachings, and practices of the church to adhere to and which to ignore. Creative Catholics often attend church and receive the Holy Communion but disagree on the church’s strict teachings towa... more open to debate and discussion. Yet they are not open to changing their religion. Being Catholic is like some indelible mark that they have accepted and have no desire to change. It is a coat they have always worn and feel comfortable in; they do not look for any other, because, in their eyes, no other coat would fit or suit their needs. Cultural Catholics appear happy to bring up their children as Catholics and to send them to Catholic schools. They may have lost some confidence in the Church because of the scandals concerning the sexual abuse of children by priests and brothers, but they like the rituals and celebrations that surround baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, weddings, and funerals. Even those who rarely give much time or thought to the Church would find it difficult to forego these events or to celebrate them in a Protestant church.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

During the Time Periods of the Late 1800’s Through the Early 1900’s Many Countries Were Trying to Gain Power. There Were Many Different Trends That Were Taking Place During These Times to Help These Countries Gain

DBQ Intro: During the time periods of the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s many countries were trying to gain power. There were many different trends that were taking place during these times to help these countries gain control like Colonialism/ Imperialism, Nationalism, and American domination. The first major trend is Colonialism and Imperialism. Document 1 shows colonization/ imperialism by the president wanting America to take control of most of the world if they don’t choose to run how Americans believe they should.POV: in Document 1 it isn’t surprising that President Roosevelt would say this because he is the president of the United States and wants them to have as much power over the world as possible. Document 3 also shows colonization/ imperialism because the Dutch were trying to colonize the Java and people from Java didn’t like them trying to change their history. This document shows how older people in the countries didn’t wa nt things to change and didn’t want to have to accept the new ways of ruling and colonizing by other nations.Document 4 is a picture of a European standing over Africa this shows colonization because the Europeans tried to colonize Africa. Document 5 is a picture that shows that both France and the English have colonized the Africans. Document 6 shows the United States helping other countries colonize. Additional Document that would be helpful here would be a map or chart or even a picture that showed were all Europe had colonized so we could better understand where all European colonization had taken place. The next major trend is Nationalism.Document 2 shows Nationalism because the Jews wanted to live and there homeland which shoes pride in their nation. POV: It is not surprising that Balfour would write this document because he is a Zionist leader and wants the best for his people. Document 3 also shows nationalism because the father didn’t like that his son spoke D utch to him because he had a love for Java and the language that spoke. Document 6 could also fall under nationalism for the Unites States. The last Major trend was American dominationDocument 1 falls into American domination because America and president Roosevelt just wanted to see all the countries run smoothly even if that meant that Americans had to step into make that happen. Document 6 also shows American Domination because it shows all the countries that America colonized. There were many different ways to gain power during the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s. The major trends during these time periods were Nationalism, Colonization/ Imperialism, and American Domination.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reconstruction Era of the United States and New York Times

Allison Hwang Swanson 10:30 11/16/2012 Reconstruction's Failure Although the Civil War finally managed to come to a close, the end of the war wasn't exactly met with celebration. Instead, the Civil War brought up many new problems that were left unresolved. In order to solve these problems, the congress took responsibility and worked its way to â€Å"reconstruct† our nation. The main purpose of the â€Å"Congressional Reconstruction† was to ‘establish and protect the citizenship rights of the freedmen'.However, the Congress' Reconstruction efforts did not last too long and came to an end by the year of 1877. The main reasons for the failure of the reconstruction efforts were due to the conflicting views and factors upon the purpose of reconstruction. There were much political opposition from the north and the south as well as from the republicans and the democrats, the entire nation was facing economic hardships, and the attempt to place the freedmen in the same s ocial level as the white southerners caused so much tension that the efforts of the Congress' Reconstruction gradually failed.Even though the 13th and the 14th Amendments were ratified in 1866, which ensured equal rights of all citizens, many of the white population continued to treat the former slaves with inequality. Ignorance was one of the biggest factors that led to the failure of the efforts of the congress reconstruction. Although the former slaves were not granted liberty and freedom, they were still treated with inequality because many of the white men continued to believe that the black men should not have the equal rights as the white men. Pennsylvania Congressman Benjamin Boyer, a Democrat, said, â€Å"it is not the complexion of the negro that degrades him†¦. race by nature inferior in mental caliber†¦the negroes are not the equals of white Americans, and are not entitled†¦to participate in the Government of this country†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In his speech, Cong ressman Boyer basically denies the right of the African Americans to vote simply due to his belief that black men falls short of the white and that they aren't smart enough. In the excerpt in the New York Times it reads, â€Å"‘Ku Klux Klan' †¦its grand purpose being to establish a nucleus around which ‘the adherents of the late rebellion might safely rally. † The Ku Klux Klan was an organization that was formed in order to go against the purpose of the congress and lynch black men. Such activities were racially and violently performed, which undermined the Congress' efforts to ensure equal rights to freedmen. In the excerpts from the editorial, Atlanta News, it says, â€Å"If the white democrats of the North are men, they will not stand idly by and see us borne down by northern radicals and half-barbarous Negroes. But no matter what they may do, it is time for us to organize. † This editorial displays the racism that was demonstrated during the 1870s. The editorial is advocating the southern and the democratic whites to come together to stop the black. It refers to the black men as â€Å"half-barbarous negroes† which racially displays the belief of the whites of how the black men are far inferior compared to them. Racism was one of the big factors that led to the failure of the reconstruction. Another main factor that played a key role in the downfall of the congress reconstruction was the political opposition from the north and the south as well as against the democrats and the republicans. In an excerpt from The Era of Reconstruction it reads, â€Å"In May 1872†¦.Congress passed a general amnesty act which restored the right of office holding [and voting] to the vast majority of those who had been disqualified. † The restoration of the voting rights to the white Southerners undermined the efforts to preserve and protect the voting rights of the freedmen. This was so because when they gave back the rights to v ote to the white southerners, the Congress increased the number of white voters. Thus these voters took more political positions away from the freedmen. Also in November 1974, the headline text from the New York Times read, â€Å"DEMOCRATIC VICTORY; CONGRESS TO BE DEMOCRATIC. The victory of the Democratic only further affected the downfall of the efforts of the congress' reconstructions. Their victory helped undermine the Congress' efforts to help the freedmen because the democrats were simply against the reconstruction. The opposing political viewpoints amongst the nation only further adds to why the Congress' Reconstruction efforts to ensure equal rights to the freedmen failed. The final main factor that played a big role in the downfall of the Congress' Reconstruction was the economic hardships that both the north and the south had to face after the Civil War.The civil war left the nation in ruins as far as being economically devastated. Although the slaves were finally granted their freedom after over 200 years of fighting, they did not know what to do the moment they actually achieved their freedom. Although some blacks took advantage and became successful, there were many others who were left on the streets with no source of income to fend for themselves. In an excerpt from a book written by Dr. W. E. E. DuBois it reads, â€Å"But the decisive influence was the systematic and overwhelming economic pressure.Negroes who wanted work must not dabble in politics†¦ in order to earn a living, the American Negro was compelled to give up his political power. † According to Dubois, the freedmen were â€Å"convinced† to stop voting or taking part in political events because they were under economic pressure. They weren't to â€Å"dabble in politics† if they wanted to increase their income and to earn a living. The economic pressure of the slaves could also be seen in an interview with a man named John McCoy. He was born in 1838 and had li ved 27 years as a slave in Texas.In the interview he says, â€Å"Freedom wasn't no different I knows of. I works for Marse John just the same for a long time. He say one morning, â€Å"†¦. I'll feed you and give you clothes but can't pay you no money. I ain't got none. † Humph, I didn't know nothing what money was, nohow, but I knows I'll git plenty victuals to eat, so I stays†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This recollection by John McCoy displays the idea that the slaves may have even been better off to actually stay with their owners who will feed them and clothe them. This goes against the whole idea and purpose of the entire Civil War and the Congress' Reconstruction.Due to the economic hardships during the 1870s, John decided to stay with his owner despite being granted his freedom because he did not even have knowledge as to what money was and was simply grateful for the food and the clothing that his owner would provide for him in exchange for labor. There were a lot of different reasons that led to the failure of the efforts of the Congress' Reconstruction to ensure equal rights to the freedmen. The three main reasons that affected the Congress' Reconstruction efforts the most were political oppositions, economic hardships, and racial differences.The constant conflicts between the different viewpoints of the democrats and the republicans undermined the purpose of the Reconstruction efforts. Racism played a big role in that the white men continued to look down on the black men and always felt superior compared to them. Economic hardships were also very important in the failure of the reconstruction efforts in that some slaves felt as though staying with their owners despite their gained freedom was better than fighting for survival alone on the streets. In the end, despite all the efforts of the congress, the reconstruction came to an end in 1877.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prince Obike Essays - Movements For Civil Rights, Free Essays

Prince Obike Essays - Movements For Civil Rights, Free Essays Prince Obike AFRO 133 Dr. Joshua Myers 18 October 2018 There is a River "Vincent Harding's, "There is a River" illustrates the black experience in America while providing a historical summary of how African Americans have struggled for justice in the United States. "There is a River" describes black radicalism by using the river as a metaphor for the black struggle to convey the tradition of black protest and other forms of reaction to white oppression.In Harding's view, the river symbolizes expectation for a greater future for African Americans. African Americans are the river, Harding states that African Americans struggles are "long continuous movement, flowing...sometimes powerful,tumultuous, and rolling with life; and at other times meandering and turgid; covered with ice and snow of seemingly endless winters, all too often streaked and running with blood".Vincent Harding's "There is a River" uses the metaphor of a river to not only describe the complicated experiences of African Americans, but also uses the metaphor to connect the past an d the present predicaments of blacks in America in terms of internal battles within the black community, white hegemonic attacks against black communities and businesses, and ultimately the metaphor can be used as a rallying cry for the future expansion of black rights and dignity. Harding uses the river metaphor to equate water to many existing methods of illustrating the black experience. For example, the river can represent a continuous story of the struggle for civil rights. Water and the river are used as metaphor for freedom. When Harding describes African Americans struggles a a "long continuous movement" such as a river I believe that is also a reference to time. When the North America was first colonized by Europeans, the was a lot of land that needed work. Labour was needed to work the land so that the colonies could begin to profit from the land . Women and men both participated in the labor. It even got to point to where other europeans who were indentured servants were sent over to help with the land. Eventually around the 17th century the europeans decided to send over a boat of slaves to help with the land. The used these slaves to help with crops such as tobacco, which was the America's most profitable crop.By the time the American Revoluti on started and ended the south was flourishing because of how well the tobacco industry was going.This was the spark of a "long continuous movement" because soon after Eli whitney invented the cotton gin. This invention made it possible for textile mills to use the type of cotton most easily grown in the South.With the cotton gin so popular, slaves were needed in large numbers again. At this time white people began to dehumanize African Americans.They argued that black people were similar to children. They believe they were doing African Americans a favor because they were incapable of caring for themselves Not only were they caring for African Americans but that also kept them fed, clothed, and occupied. As time progressed African Americans began to become "radical" and know that they were above what they were being told. The Underground Railroad was organized to help slaves escape north to freedom. After years of "stealing" the freedom they were born with , slaves were "freed" in the year 1863, but their "long continuous movement" along that river was nowhere near finished. The new struggle African Americans have to fight with was segregation. This also ushered in the The Civil Rights Movement, that lasted for years, Even though many of the most important achievements in The Civil Rights Movement happened in the 1950s for African Americans, segregation, and racial acts took place every day. African Americans had been fighting against racial segregation since they were brought to the continent.Although he Civil Rights Movement tried to help with the social, economic, physical and political disadvantages they faced it did not solve the hatred rooted in some individuals hearts. The divide between whites and blacks was so severe that many citizens risked their lives to pursue and gain equal rights for the black population. Even the law was set up against African Americans. A "long continuous movement". We are still flowing down

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why Immigration Is a Controversial Issue in Uk Essays

Why Immigration Is a Controversial Issue in Uk Essays Why Immigration Is a Controversial Issue in Uk Essay Why Immigration Is a Controversial Issue in Uk Essay Essay Topic: Controversial â€Å"It was once believed that when you were born, you were a blank state and could be taught to learn different things in a variety of way† (Gardner, H. Personal Learning Solution 2012) In this essay I will be talking about the importance of study skills for higher education. I will be identifying the different skills that are used both personal and professional and also providing some evidence towards my findings. The main skills I will be touching on will be people skills, reflective and creative skills, writing skills and also time management. I will be exploring how these skills have an importance in the higher education and viewing their similarity and differences between them. Study skills are the strategies and the different approaches used in learning to develop better understanding and knowledge for a life time. It is an essential piece of material that is needed for better grades in an exam, assignment etc and tackles problems such as bad organization, time management or writing skills which are useful for a life time. There are many different study skills that can be used in higher education in order to gain a successful qualification for a successful job application. It is important indentify your own personal learning style and develop on all the important study skills that helps with your learning. The reason for this is because it helps you remember and learn more and new information. It also allows you to do well in your essays/assignments and exams you are undertaking. Once your learning style has been identified and used, it will provide you with the opportunity to move up a level. There are different styles such as: The Diver: like to get on with it and get it out of the way The Dreamer: like to think a lot and research thoroughly The Logician: like things to make sense and reasons The Searchlight: like to see the bigger picture and find everything interesting (Cottrell, S. 2008. Third Edition. Pg59-60) The Dearing Report (1997) states that â€Å"the key to future success of graduates ommunication skills, numeracy, use of ICT, learning how to learn† (heacademy. ac. uk) This report gives a clear understanding of the main skills need for a successful future. On the other hands in the theory of Gardner’s, H (1983), he believes that everyone should be able to find 8 different areas to help with their learning, which may identify what they prefer (Gardner, H. Personal Learning Solution 2012). The first skill I will talk about is People S kills. This skill has a combination of inter-personal skill, which means the ability to work well with others in a team/group, and also intra-personal skills, which means the ability to manage your own attitudes and emotions within the environment (Cottrell, S. 2003. Pg 115). A people skill involves being able to communicate well with others and adapting to others within the team and interacting well amongst others. This skill can be turned into academic skills by making connections with groups in class, listening well to others allowing everyone to talk, being assertive without demonstrating any form of anger etc. This is one important skill that is needed for higher education which can be developed further for a successful job in the future. My second skill I will talk about is reflective and creative skills. This is a thinking process that can put you in deep thoughts aiming to gain a better understanding. It allows you to make sense of what your putting together, go over what you have, make any judgements and changes needed and also weighing up what you have to get better balance which includes taking different things into account. In the book of The Science Good Study Guide, it states that â€Å"it is important that you take a systematic, analytical, strategic, and reflective approach to managing yourself and your studies† (Northedge, A et al, 1997, pg 16). Creativity plays a big role in study skill because; you need to identify what strategies are suitable for you in learning. With this you can be as creative as you can to help you in the process. The third skill is writing skills. This skill can also be combined with organisation as you will need to learn how to organise your essays and assignments e. . introduction, main body and conclusion/evaluation. Writing is another form of communication. In higher education, when writing an essay/assignment, you are communicating what you know and understand of what you have learnt in class. This is why writing skills is very important so you know what you’re writing is clear for the reader. However as Cottrell (2008) stated that writing a good assignmen t is a hard and challenging process but is a very rewarding aspect of your studying. Your writing skill is something that can always be developed as you grow (The Study Skills Handbook. 2008. Pg167) The last skill I will talk about is time management. This is one of the most essential skill needed, not only for higher education but also for every other thing in life e. g. job, appointments, lectures, meetings etc. you need to know how long it requires for you to do something. Time is special because you cannot change time. I believe everyone has the same exact time on their hands; it depends on how it’s being used by the individual. Most students like myself will complain and say there is not enough time for their work, however what I have come to learn is that if time is managed widely it helps a lot with what you need to do or what you desire to do. In higher education, when time is managed well, it helps set your priorities straight, become more conscious with your decisions and also learn how to become more productive each day. In conclusion, I have come to read and understand how important study skills are in higher education. The first thing is to identify what type of learner you are and focus on the most important study skills. I have come across some understanding that if you lack in your study skills, there is a low chance of gaining good grades meaning less chance of a successful job application. As stated in the Dearing report (1997) the four main skills needed for success in the future and also Howard Gardner’s theory explaining how creative you should be in different ways of learning such as finding 8 different areas to learn that may help with your learning. I believe that we learn something new every day giving us the opportunity to move up a level of intelligence.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

17th Century English Theater

This paper discusses playhouses and theaters in England in the 17th century. The paper shows that the English stage during the late 17th century was a time of rebuilding, and also a time of creation. There were many different ideas on what theater should be and it was very common for one person to have an idea, and as soon as it was known, opposing ideas were quickly published, followed by various defenses of the original idea. The paper discusses several people who were well known for their opinions from that time period, including Jeremy Collier, John Dryden, Alexander Pope, William Congreve and William Stubbs. When the Stuart Dynasty returned to the throne of England in 1660, the playhouses were reopened. In August, Charles II issued patents for two companies of players, and performances immediately began. However, theater had evolved a bit. The Royalty and the Nobility, as well as a few independent companies now owned theatrical troupes. Often the ones that had permanent theaters such as Convent Garden, Drury Lane and Dorset Garden had Noble backers to provide for the upkeep. Costumes were often second hand garments that the nobility no longer desired. Slowly the better-kept theaters became places to see and be seen. Often what was going on in the auditorium was just as much, or more interesting then what was on stage. The style of the play writing was of a lesser form then that of the Elizabethan plays. It frequently utilized stereotypes and stock characters.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Issues and Trends in World Politics - Redefining Security Essay

Issues and Trends in World Politics - Redefining Security - Essay Example In addition, legislators find it uncomplicated to agree on military answers to external legal issues than to agree on the utilization of different methods of persuasion that United States can employ. Moreover, this false picture makes countries to focus on military risks and to assume other different and probably extra perilous hazards than the military risks. Thus it lessens the general safety of the people. Also, the false picture created by explaining national security in military terms plays a role in the persistent militarization of global relationships. This enhances the world wide insecurity in the long term (Ullman, 1983, 129). First, Ulham highlights the trade off with liberty. During a disagreement there are two specified values, each significant to the development of human beings. At its plain state, this decision depicts itself as the extent to which countries may go so as to safeguard themselves against rivals that that they perceive as oppressive, toward embracing barri ers that are similar to totalitarian towards the United States citizens. It is an issue that is evident in the everyday existence, hauling and pulling between the constitution, intelligence agencies and the police. A second choice entails association with countries whose code of conduct is different from those of United States. It raises the question whether the United States administration should establish an association of significant military relationship with the Republic of South Africa, and face the danger of racial disagreements in the American cities, or the United States should continue treating the Republic of South Africa as a rival and probably establish national racial peace (Ullman, 1983, 131). This is a significant feature of a stable community. A third choice includes military against financial help to needy nations. This choice pose the question, should the policy of the United States aspire at assisting administrations in the third world against the military danger s they presume to be coming from the Soviet Union and its collaborators, or at assisting citizens from the developing countries have better self-sufficiency so as to probably create extra healthy communities with decreased birth rates, thus reducing the increasing pressure on worldwide resources? Lastly, numerous choices contrast domestic and global priorities. The foremost source of national securities in the near future will be struggle for resources and territory. According to Ullman, a large number of violent disagreements throughout history have been caused by the struggle for resources and territory. He asserts that the future will see an increase in conflicts because of territory. The preservation of the idea of national autonomy has made the invasion of nations noticeably defunct. Ullman argues that the struggle for resources will probably increase because of the high need for a number of significant products and supplies. Nevertheless, these future struggles are perceived t o incorporate territorial aspects, but these territories will either be sparsely occupied or be unpopulated. Most of these territories will entail numerous resources that may be exploited, for example, oil. Also, he argues that these conflicts over resources will frequently be in the form of military battles whose combat periods will be short, instead of those prolonged wars. These wars will also be between countries that are neighboring each other, for

Letter to the Little League Commision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Letter to the Little League Commision - Essay Example It was then discovered that people could actually compete for competence where sports were concerned and this gave rise to scoring policies in many sporting groups. Individuals have since then made efforts of becoming better than their peers where games such as football, swimming, poker and so forth are concerned. Awards are also given to those observed to be better performers. Scoring policies for majority if not all games are usually based on the quality of the game as well as the manner in which the review feels it fits into the other games around it (Wrisberg 2007). Most descriptions in accordance to scoring policies are numbered from 1 to 10 where 1 is considered to be an awful game while 10 is considered to be a perfect game despite the fact that no game is ever truly perfect (Wrisberg 2007). The main purpose of sports or rather games in this particular case is to achieve the highest scores and be declared winners in the end. I disagree with the fact that scoring policies for a ll games be eliminated. Considering the fact that your League consist of little boys who are still developing and growing up, it is important for the scoring policies to still be in effect as this will encourage them to perform better in the course of their games. Young children need a lot of encouragement and positive motivation in their course of growing up and games are such motivators (Wrisberg 2007). By eliminating scores all together, these children would see no point of taking part in games and will be less motivated. They will not have anything to look forward to by the end of the day or rather anything to boast about to their parents and friends who may have not been there to observe their performance. The commission also argues that elimination of scores in all games will not leave majority of the players feeling left out or angry as a result of being defeated by their peers (Wrisberg 2007). Keeping scores and tallying in games not only builds character but also produces e xcellence especially in young children (Wrisberg 2007). It is the belief of modern day society that there is need to be Number One and this tends to push these little young ones to work harder and ensure that they become winners where academics and sports are concerned. Competition is not only fun but healthy if kept in perspective and therefore elimination of scores in all games would hinder healthy development of these children resulting to some health issues such as obesity. Tallying and scoring policies help children develop their intelligence and activates their thinking as games such as jig-saw puzzles, simple crosswords, cards and even football requires their intellectual capabilities for them to beat their opponents (Wrisberg 2007). The commission suggests elimination of scores in all games because noncompetitive games tend to establish a sense of unity, support and cooperation. I would like to remind the commission that tallying as well as general scoring policies in all ga mes enable children as well as adults to build teamwork thus enabling such individuals to learn to work together. Games, competitive or noncompetitive all tend to enhance teamwork which is another advantage especially where scoring policies are implemented. When I was about 10 years of age, I enrolled in a soccer team which was noncompetitive. Teachers suggested that it would be beneficial if we participated in the noncompetitive, non-scoring game as

Major Sales ( Marketing Analysis Paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Major Sales ( Marketing Analysis Paper) - Essay Example (Bonoma, 2006). The buyer – seller relationship is unique setting in which psychology play a huge role in the outcome of the intervention. Psychology is about understanding people’s needs and how to fulfill them (Heywood, 2007). The sales strategy utilized by a company must take into consideration how to fulfill the desires of the customers in order to obtain a final sale. An interesting scenario from the article written by Thomas Bonoma involved a company that had the best prices in the industry, but it was being outperformed by competitors because other companies were offering higher discount to the customer to finalize the sale even though their final prices were higher. This example clearly shows the perception of a higher discount played into the customers mind and created a false illusion of offering a better deal. The corporate world is complex which implies that a seller can not target a single person in a company when making a sales approach. In order to be effective at selling it is important to combine the individual and group dynamics of buying to predict what the buyer decision unit will do (Bonoma, 2007). A company can be visualize as a buying center which has different components within the organization. A corporate sale requires the salesperson to make an approach to different people within the organization to obtain results. Once the sales pitch is given to the initiator of the target this person will pass the information along to others for evaluation. The key for the salesperson is to ensure the information reaches the hands of the decision makers within the organization which are the ones that ultimately make the decision to purchase the product or service. Selling is an art and a science at the same which must be mastered by the seller. Persuasion is an element that can help salespeople a lot. If for example a particular characteristic of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evidence Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Evidence Based Practice - Essay Example Part One Brief Background Diabetes mellitus is a health condition wherein the â€Å"amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high† (Diabetes UK, 2010, p. 3). When left untreated, diabetes is considered as a serious illness because it can trigger heart-related problems, stroke, kidney failure and/or blindness. Aside from the 500,000 undiagnosed individuals who are suspected to have diabetes, approximately 2.6 million people in UK were already diagnosed with diabetes back in 2009 (Diabetes UK, 2010, p. 4). This figure can double up to 4 million by 2025 (p. 4). Part of the duty and responsibility of the nurses is to deliver self-management education to diabetes patients (Chan and Zang, 2007). For this reason, nurses should know by heart the differences between the juvenile diabetes (type I) and the adult-onset diabetes (type II) on top of the diagnostic tests, importance of weight management, and other related healthcare management and treatment for this particular health disorder. Rationale for the Selection of this Topic Area As a diabetic educator and diabetes nurse, I used to work with diabetic patients. Since I work part time as a member of continuing nursing education in my region, I decided to conduct a systematic research study with regards to the nurses’ actual knowledge on diabetes mellitus. Search Process... According to Randolph (2009), the principle of inclusion and exclusion method is to segregate relevant journals from those that are irrelevant. In order to address the research questions highlighted in this study, the gathered journals were segregated using the inclusion and exclusion method depending on the degree of relevance of each study. As part of the research study inclusion, the gathered journals will be pre-screened based on the research method and the author(s)’ research findings (Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan, 2008). To ensure the quality and relevance of the gathered journals with the chosen research topic, the gathered journals were critically appraised by using the guidelines specified under the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). When critically appraising a peer-reviewed journal, it is important to take note whether or not the authors made a clear statement with regards to the aims of the research study. It is equally important to examine the research study ’s overall research design. For instance, was the researcher able to justify the research method used in the study or was the strategy used in recruiting the research survey participants appropriate to the aims of the study? (NHS, 2006). In this study, databases such as the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), NCBI / PubMed, and Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) will be used in search for electronically available peer-reviewed journals. According to Ely and Scott (2007), keyword searches are often used when gathering relevant literature. When making keyword and phrases search; Younger (2004) mentioned the importance of acknowledging the differences between the American and British English [cited in Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan, 2008]. With this in mind, the

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Assignment Example One of the various changes experienced by the health care system is the change of continuum of care. Continuum of care refers to involvement of integration of various systems of care that assists patients from time to time through various means of services of health (Columbia University Medical Center, 2012). For example: in the past care was restricted to health care organizations and settings, but now health care providers are needed to provide services at different settings such as home and community centers. Now nurses are required to be culturally competent so they can deal with different patients coming from different cultural backgrounds and understand issues in the context of patient’s culture. The focus of health care systems used to be on helping patients get better, now the focus has shifted to disease prevention and individual well being. Accountability of the health care service providers have even changed. In the past, care providers were paid for their services on the basis of fee for each service. This promoted health care professionals to increase the number of services and they started focusing on quantity of service rather than quality of service. One method used to fix this issue is creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); such organizations have been promoted and accepted by insurance companies who cover health care and by the government. ACOs are created in such a way that certain amount of service providers obtain responsibility of caring for a batch of patients and focus is on treating and providing health service to the entire batch (Dickerson, 2011). Compensation is paid to these service providers by Medicare and insurance companies in return for saving the expenditure and cutting down the cost of treatment while providing very high quality treatment to the patient. Another new system that is gaining popularity in health care system is patient centered medical homes, this system has not only changed the previous method s of providing care, and it has even increased the required amount of nurses and their competencies (Haney, 2012, p.5). Medical homes comprise of providing health care services in teams, the leader of this team is a physician and his task is to provide health care services to patients on an ongoing and continuous basis with the main aim of achieving higher quality health care for patients. This approach specializes in providing health care services to the youth, kids and adults. An important component of this system is care coordination and for the purpose of care ordination, highly trained staff is required who know how to use technological advancements and they should have the ability to work in teams. Surveys have shown that people have started giving importance to prevention of diseases and well being of individuals over healing diseases, this issue has even been addressed in legislative and funding for prevention has been increased by the government (HelathCare, 2012). The shif t from treatment to prevention and wellbeing of patients and individuals has been given great importance by Nurse Managed Health Care Centers. These facilities charge less than what physician led health care centers charge and there is an increase in demand for such centers because of the continuous increase in cost of health care services. The focus is on care systems that are community based has been increased and more people have been covered through health care insurance

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What causes homelessnenn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What causes homelessnenn - Essay Example Rumors may tarnish the quality of a product, but adverts will tend to assure that the product is good. Most people from South America and Canada believe that posters are best for making adverts. Students from Middle East and Asia were of a contradicting opinion saying Televisions are the best for making adverts. Whether pitching or promoting products and services, all businesses need to make advertisements in order to make connections with their current and prospective customers. Small scale businesses face challenges in making choices on whether to spend their small advertising budgets on television or posters. Print adverts often come with lower sticker prices than the television adverts. TV adverts are strong and have a variety of advantages that the posters lack. Making adverts over the television is more effective than the posters because it reaches out to customers over a wide area at the same time. All students from Ilac and one person from Canada said that at one particular point, they bought items because adverts trapped their attention. Brilliant and effective advertising involves making the right message to the appropriate people at the most appropriate time. Adverts have the potential to grab peoples’ minds and thoughts by including two or more brilliant ideas that sweeps people mind and make them to take appropriate action of purchasing a product right away. The adverts will enhance customer-product relationship. Advertising is a method of communication that makes the consumers be fully aware of the specific services and products available in the market. It is crucial to create brand positioning, awareness, and among potential customers. There exist multiple media through which these adverts are made and promoted such as radios, televisions, internet, and printed media (newspapers, magazines, and billboards). Adverts can be made in various forms

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Assignment Example One of the various changes experienced by the health care system is the change of continuum of care. Continuum of care refers to involvement of integration of various systems of care that assists patients from time to time through various means of services of health (Columbia University Medical Center, 2012). For example: in the past care was restricted to health care organizations and settings, but now health care providers are needed to provide services at different settings such as home and community centers. Now nurses are required to be culturally competent so they can deal with different patients coming from different cultural backgrounds and understand issues in the context of patient’s culture. The focus of health care systems used to be on helping patients get better, now the focus has shifted to disease prevention and individual well being. Accountability of the health care service providers have even changed. In the past, care providers were paid for their services on the basis of fee for each service. This promoted health care professionals to increase the number of services and they started focusing on quantity of service rather than quality of service. One method used to fix this issue is creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); such organizations have been promoted and accepted by insurance companies who cover health care and by the government. ACOs are created in such a way that certain amount of service providers obtain responsibility of caring for a batch of patients and focus is on treating and providing health service to the entire batch (Dickerson, 2011). Compensation is paid to these service providers by Medicare and insurance companies in return for saving the expenditure and cutting down the cost of treatment while providing very high quality treatment to the patient. Another new system that is gaining popularity in health care system is patient centered medical homes, this system has not only changed the previous method s of providing care, and it has even increased the required amount of nurses and their competencies (Haney, 2012, p.5). Medical homes comprise of providing health care services in teams, the leader of this team is a physician and his task is to provide health care services to patients on an ongoing and continuous basis with the main aim of achieving higher quality health care for patients. This approach specializes in providing health care services to the youth, kids and adults. An important component of this system is care coordination and for the purpose of care ordination, highly trained staff is required who know how to use technological advancements and they should have the ability to work in teams. Surveys have shown that people have started giving importance to prevention of diseases and well being of individuals over healing diseases, this issue has even been addressed in legislative and funding for prevention has been increased by the government (HelathCare, 2012). The shif t from treatment to prevention and wellbeing of patients and individuals has been given great importance by Nurse Managed Health Care Centers. These facilities charge less than what physician led health care centers charge and there is an increase in demand for such centers because of the continuous increase in cost of health care services. The focus is on care systems that are community based has been increased and more people have been covered through health care insurance

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Historical Perspective Essay Essay Example for Free

Historical Perspective Essay Essay The method that nurses implement nursing care is influenced by research. Nursing theorist has influence to the practice of professional nursing and research. Many of the primitive theorists has help to develop the research from the previous to the current and will continue to the future to integrate research. Research has influence the action nurses consolidate and implement nursing care and process. One of the early primary nursing was Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale opened the doors for future researchers and theorist to model professional nursing. Florence Nightingale is the mother of contemporary nursing after coming back from the frontlines of Crimean War in 1856, and she renovated the fatality rate by attending the environment ( George, 2011, chapter 3). During the Crimean War Florence Nightingale offered to help with the nursing task, where she attended and took care of an ailing and injured soldiers. Florence Nightingale would tend to the sick soldiers at all times making sure that they were taken care of getting a clean environment, ventilation, hand washing, lighting and free of noise. Her concept to nursing is the environment. Environment could be modified to progress conditions so that natural ruling could allow healing. An environment model was established to glimpse the control of the physical environment as a major constituent of care ( George, 2011). Nightingale model progress to paradigm in nursing practice and contributes on nursing care and planned rendered to patients. Nurses maintain to practice their profession without attaining that their process and objective are based on Nightingales concept. The concept of environmental control serves as a foundation for many research analysis. Nursing theories related to Nightingales Environmental Model will continue to guide research and nursing profession. With her theory and concepts the nursing profession has implemented her methods for environmental cleanliness as a guide model in nursing practice to meet the needs of the patients.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Thin layer chromatography (TLC)

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) It stands for Thin Layer Chromatography. Its a simple technique used by chemists in separation of Mixtures in addition to supporting the identification of the separated compounds by comparing the Retention Factor of the separated compound with that of a known compound. The TLC plate on which the Thin Layer Chromatography is performed is usually a sheet of glass, aluminum or plastic. Its has a coat of adsorbent material ( known as stationary phase ) such as silica gel, alumina or cellulose. First step is application of the sample to the plate, then in a capillary action- the chemist draws the solvent up the plate. Separation occurs due to the different ascendance rates of analytes on the plate. Advantages of TLC over other types of chromatography Paper Chromatography TLC is faster than paper chromatography. Its more sensitive to many substances. Its preparation is usually sharper. It requires smaller quantity of sample. Potential application of different types of reagents without causing damage to the plate. Column chromatography TLC has smaller apparatus It has more speed Previous points leads to cheaper over all procedure It provides easier measurement of the Retention Factor. The above advantages makes it more suitable for analytical purposes rather than separation purposes. Preparation of TLC plate To prepare the TLC plate, first we must mix a small quantity of an inert substance such as calcium sulfate with adsorbent substance like Silica gel and water. The second step is spreading this mixture on sheet of unreactive substance such as glass or plastic. The third step is activation of the plate that results from the previous procedures by heating it in an oven at 110oC for nearly half an hour. The adsorbent layers thickness depends on the purpose of TLC as in case of analytical purposes, it ranges from 0.1 to 0.25 mm. In case of preparative TLC it ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 mm. Technique A small amount of the samples solution is poured on the plate to cover about one centimeter high from the base. Then the plate is soaked in a convenient solvent like Hexane and put in a container thats well sealed. Using capillary action, the solvent goes up the plate to meet the samples mixture which it helps to move up the plate and dissolves as well. Differences between rates of the compounds in the mixture are because each compound has different affinity to the adsorbent layer (stationary phase) from the other compounds and also each compound has different solubility in the mixture. If the solvent is changed, the compounds can be separated (using Retention Factors value). Applications of TLC in the Pharmaceutical field Thin-layer chromatography technique is used for separation of amino acids that are the main components of antibiotics, enzymes and hormones. TLC-UV spectrometry was used to determine salidroside in 8 Rhodiola species ( Rhodiola is a herb that has been used for long time for treatment of cold and flu symptoms in addition to relieving mental and physical stresses. In China, its recently considered as promising anti-aging drug in addition to having causative agent for improvement of athletic performance and enhancing memory). The combination of advanced chromatographic resolution of 2D-TLC with simple bioautography is used in discovering new natural products that are active against important fungal pathogens of plants. Thin-layer chromatography in addition to HPLC are used for the identification of Pogostemoni herba which is a crude drug and a Kampo medicines-component. TLC-colourimetric was used to estimate free and combined emodine, physcione and chrysophanol in Indian Rhubarb and it turned out to contain (0.07%)of free emodin of (0.08%) of C-glycosidic emodin, (0.30%) of O-glycosidic emodin, (0.40%) of free physcione, (0.18%) of O-glycosidic physcione, (0.17 %) of C-glycosidic physcione, (0.15%) of free chrysophanol, (0.06%) of O-glycosidic chrysophanol and (0.21%) of C-glycosidic chrysophanol. TLC-UV Densitometric method is used in Misai Kucing Capsules for Simultaneous Quantification of Sinensetin and Tetramethoxyflavone. TLC is used for determination of different compounds in analgesic tablets. TLC-densitometric procedure is used for determination of the contents of Plumbagin which is a naphthoquinone that acts as antimalarial , antimalarial , anticancer, cardiotonic and antifertilityaction. Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography is used for the determination of Propranolol in human plasma. Determination of Steroidal Alkaloid Glycosides using Thin-Layer chromatography Immunostaining. TLC is used to determine Phenytoin in pharmaceutical preparations and identify its Hydroxylated Urinary Metabolites. Isolation of antioxidants from Perilla frutescens var. acuta fruit is carried out using TLC. TLC- densitometric method is used to analyse artemisinin in the planlets of Artemisia annua L. TLC is used to detect as well as identify opiates in urine in addition to reveilind adultration in heroin. TLC-Densitometry is used in the Quantitative Analysis of Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin and Bisdemethoxycurcumin in the Crude Curcuminoid Extract from Curcuma longa.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

The book â€Å"Caring for Yourself While Caring for Your Aging Parents† written by Clare Berman discusses all of the key issues involved in caring for an elderly parent. Berman discusses these issues by drawing from her personal experience and interviews with caregivers. Berman also provides advice and information on: Caregivers, stress among siblings, long distance caregiving, finances and nursing home care (Berman, 2005). This paper will evaluate the way in which the author handled the subject of caring for your aging parents as well as yourself, and how the book contributed to my understanding of the issues discussed. This paper will do so by reviewing a plot summary, character analyses and theme analyses. Plot Summary - Berman’s book serves as a guide for individuals who are involved in caring for aging parents, (and for those who see caretaking in their future). The book centers on the emotional stresses and needs of caregivers, while at the same time addressing all the practical issues they are likely to confront. Berman does this by drawing on her own experiences, the experiences of many other adult children, and interviews with specialists in geriatrics; Berman also discusses the wide range of emotions that can accompany caregiving (Berman, 2005). Character Analysis – The character I choose to examine is Clare Berman herself because she offers herself in her book as an example we all can pull from when we are faced with caring for our older adult parents. Berman is seen as the protagonist in the book due to her battle with caring for her aging mother and mother in law with Alzheimer’s. Berman’s core quest is to care for her aging mother and mother in law, while caring for herself. This quest is so important to Berman because w... ...ult children. The guilt that as a caregiver they were not doing enough and how as a caregiver you may feel guilt was a constant throughout the book. In terms of the characters I noticed a sprinkling of themes which connected all of them. The type of characters were hardworking, honest, loving caregivers who were seeking a happy medium between caring for themselves, their families and their older adult loved ones. All of the characters wanted to have a separate life as well as creating a good and healthy life for the older adult they are caring for. I believed the author’s intent is in creating such characters were to help us as the reader to connect to them and their struggles. It also seemed as though Berman wanted to demonstrate that all caregivers go through the same struggles and feelings of inadequacy about what they are doing through the context of the book.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Symbolic Interactionism Essay -- Sociological Perspective Sociology Es

Symbolic Interactionism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the surface, sociology is the study of society and human behavior; yet looking deeper, it is the study of humans in groups and how they interact with one another. Sociologists look at these groups by means of the sociological perspective. This involves looking at a certain behavior like it has never been looked at it before. When done right one can come to a deeper level of understanding about behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Using your sociological imagination you are able conceptualize how a person’s macro level, which consists of the larger aspects of life such as family and government, and their micro level, (which is the individual itself) combine in order form the person they are. Using my sociological imagination I decided to observe the library through the use of symbolic interactionism, one of four sociological perspectives. The others included are the conflict theory, ethno methodology, feminism and structural functionalist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Symbolic interactionism tends to observe things by paying full attention to the micro level of sociology. Instead of focusing on broader aspects you look at things depending upon the individual and their interactions in society. Through the use of symbols we are able to assign meaning to people and things and then develop our own interpretations of those symbols.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The library, like many symbols signifies silence, thought and work. You would not walk into a library expecting to be served drinks, and to see people dancing on bookshelves. The library evokes an image of peacefulness, in which people are diligently working; yet a closer examination reveals the not so serene value of a library visit. The Saint Michael’s Library is not a mystery; it is like every other library in which I have even been. There are lots of books, computers and places for people to do work. There are round tables, square tables, rectangular tables, titled tables and flat tables. There are cubicles and small individual rooms known as ‘ masturbation closets’. The layout of the library is pretty standard and doesn’t need much explaining. There are three floors. The basement had one small room of books and the rest is study areas. The first floor is a mix of computer labs, books, magazines and more study areas. The third floor is mostly books and of course more places to study.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leah and I walked through the... ...ry, it is easy to notice how people need different things, and require alternate ways of studying. You notice people’s emotions and how they react to their surroundings. Some people need silence, some need music, some need space, some need distraction and some people just do it to look good.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When a sociologist studies behavior their concentration is based upon the interaction the individual itself and how they interact within their surroundings. Through symbolic interactionalism you look at things and what they mean, and then determine the effects they have. There are many hand signs, both good and bad, that people exchange, as well as facial expressions in reaction to an event or statement that a symbolic interactionalist would look at. My observation period in the library allowed me to glimpse into the life of a sociologist. I realized that you could learn a lot about someone by just watching him or her. Their behavior is highly representative of the person they are; yet one cannot assume what specific reactions imply. Through the use of your sociological imagination you are able to gain a deeper understanding of behavior and how behavior is influenced by society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Friday, October 11, 2019

Consumer Awareness Essay

THE PROCESS of development along with the expanding globalisation and liberalisation process has increased the number of consumer related issues. Consumer protection has earned an important place in the political, economic and social agendas of many nations. In India, the Government has taken many steps including legislative, to protect consumers. Education is a life long process of constantly acquiring relevant information, knowledge and skills. Consumer education is an important part of this process and is a basic consumer right that must be introduced at the school level. Consumers by definition include all citizens who are, by and large the biggest group, who are affected by almost all government, public or private decisions. The most important step in consumer education is awareness of consumer rights. However, consumer education is incomplete without the responsibilities and duties of consumers, and this influences individual behaviour to a great extent. Definition Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights. Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price, and promotion). Need : we need it so we will not be misled by producers,it explains if what we buy is worth to our money..and not harmful to us and to environment . Many people are ignorant of their rights to get protected against the exploitation by so many others. So when there is a forum for such redress of grievances there seems to be no such exploitation by many; and becomes a rare one. So in order to get a clear picture of the level of exploitation of consumers, the awareness is required. Role of producers  proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date, etc. keep to requirements, norms, standards labelproducts according requirements, providing true facts If they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and  care. They must also make sure that any materials they provide as part of this service are fit for the purpose. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to a reseller (wholesale or retail) because they have been discounting goods or advertising discounts below prices set by the supplier. Consumer awareness is about making the consumer aware of his/her rights.It is a marketing term which means that consumers are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price, and promotion).Though the first consumer movement began in England after the Second World War, a modern declaration about consumer’s rights was first made in the United States of America in 1962, where four basic consumer rights (choice, information, safety and to be heard ) were recognized. Ralph Nadar, a consumer activist, is considered as the fathe r of ‘consumer movement’. March 15 is now celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day. The United Nations in 1985 adopted, , certain guidelines to achieve the objectives of maintaining protection for consumers and to establish high level ethical conduct for those engaged in production and distribution of goods and services. High prices, duplicate articles, underweight and under – measurements, rough behavior, undue conditions, artificial scarcity are some of the ways by which consumers are exploited by manufacturers and traders. Limited information, limited supplies and low literacy are factors causing exploitation of consumers. In India, the concept of consumer protection is not new. References to the protection of consumer’s interest against exploitation by trade and industry, underweight and measurement, adulteration and punishment for these offences, were made in Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’. However, an organized and systematic movement to safeguard the interest of consumers, is a recent phenomenon. The consumers have to be aware not only of the commercial aspects of sale and purchase of goods, but also of the health and security aspects. Food safety has become an important element of consumer awareness these days. In case of food products, its quality depends not only on its nutritional value, but also on its safety for human consumption. Consumption of contaminated or adulterated food is a major cause of human illness and suffering. This called for strong legal measures to ensure that the manufacturers and sellers observe uniformity and transparency in prices, stocks and quality of their goods.Enactment of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was one of the most  important steps taken to protect the interests of consumers. The provision of the Act came into force, with effect from July 1, 1987. The act recognizes consumer’s right to seek redresses and right to consumer education. The salient features of the Act are as follows:- †¢ Applies to all goods and services unless specifically exempted by the Union Government; †¢ Covers all the sectors whether private, public or cooperative; †¢ Enshrines the consumer’s rights related to safety, information, choice, representation and redress and consumer education. †¢ The act gives consumers an additional remedy besides those which may be available to them under the provisions of other existing laws and they are free to choose the remedy. †¢ Empower consumers seeking discontinuance of certain unfair and restrictive trade practices, defects or deficiencies in services and stopping in services or withdrawal of hazardous goods from the market. There are no legal formalities for filing the complaint. Suppose, you find yourself cheated by trader or a manufacturer and wish to make a complaint to consumer court, you can write the details on a plain paper. Attach the supporting documents, that is, guarantee or warrantee card and cash memo with the complaint and submit it in the district consumer court. You do not have to go to any lawyer or professional for legal assistance. You yourself can plead the case in the consumer court.Since, the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act and even before that, newspapers and magazines have been responding to the needs of consumers. Apart from publishing articles, columns etc newspapers have also tried to come to the rescue of harassed consumers. The Indian Express was one of the first newspapers to start a consumer complaint column. There are 500 consumer associations, which are working in the field of consumer protection. They deal with various aspects of consumer exploitation. Some of the prominent ones are: Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai; Citizens Action group, Mumbai; Common Cause, New Delhi; Voice, New Delhi; Consumer Utility and Trust Society, Jaipur. So next time you find yourself at the wrong end of a purchase don’t just sit back and blame, go to a consumer court and make your claim. CONSUMER AWARENESS  THE PROCESS of development along with the expanding globalization andliberalization process has increased the number of consumer related  issues. Consumer protection has earned an important place in the political, economic and social agendas of many nations. In India, the Government has taken many steps including legislative, to protect consumers.However, this is largely unknown to many citizens irrespective of whether they areeducated or uneducated. With an enormous population along with high levels of poverty,unemployment and poor literacy levels, consumer awareness continues to remain low. Education is a life long process of constantly acquiring relevant information, knowledgeand skills. Consumer education is an important part of this process and is a basicconsumer right that must be introduced at the school level. Consumers by definitioninclude all citizens who are, by and large the biggest group, who are affected by almostall government, public or private decisions. The most important step in consumer education is awareness of consumer rights. However, consumer education is incompletewithout the responsibilities and duties of consumers, and this influences individual behaviour to a great extent. With the increasing changes in economic conditions, thechildren especially are becoming young consumers at an early age. Children must learn toobtain information about goods and services, understand the psychology of selling andadvertising, learn to shop wisely and distinguish between wants and needs. They mustalso understand the alternatives of conserving and saving rather than buying andconsuming.Children are spending more of their leisure time watching television at the cost of other pursuits such as reading or sports. With the introduction of a number of specialisedsatellite channels, television enjoys a large viewership base consisting of children.Exposure to the marketplace as young shoppers has made most children aware of thedifferent kinds of products that are available. Advertisements are no doubt an importantsource of information as they help to inform consumers about the availability of different products before making their choice. A majority of the advertisements are aimed at youngchildren today, especially those covering food products, beverages and cosmetics(especially toothpaste/fairness creams). Advertising influences the food preferences andeating habits of children to a large extent.Unfortunately, many advertisements make false promises, are highly exaggerated a ndgive incomplete descriptions of products. The media, schools and parents along withconsumer groups need to help children develop the ability to understand  the purpose of advertising. There is so much more information available to children that they must perceive the importance of distinguishing between different sources of information.The consumption patterns are changing fast and children today are very clear on their choices regarding food, clothing, cosmetics or accessories. Parents are increasingly permitting their children to take decisions when shopping. It then becomes veryimportant for children to check details (for example, labels) before buying products Children can be taught to shop wisely and a few simple precautions will ensure that theychoose the right product at the right price. It is but natural that parents wish the best for their children, and strive hard to fulfil their demands. But this is not always a good ideaas it affects both the parents and children in a negative way in the long run.Consumer education also involves environmental education as it deals with theimportance of conserving (natural resources) and sustaining (recycling and reusing) theenvironment, including the direct health effects of environmental pollution and toxic products on consumers.Schools must incorporate consumer education into school curricula as it is important toimpart the practical skills and critical ability needed to cope with social and economicchanges.Anyone who consumes goods is a consumer. Consumers get exploited in the market.They respond to advertisements and buy goods. Generally advertisements do not give allthe information that a consumer needs t know or wants to know about a product. Definition Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights.Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price,and promotion).Usually commercials and ads increase consumer awareness, as well as â€Å"word of mouth†(a comment from someone you know about a product or service). 1 Need : we need it so we will not be misled by producers,it explains if what we buy is worth toour money..and not harmful to us and to environment .Many people are ignorant of their rights to get protected against the exploitation by somany others. So when there is a forum for such redress of grievances there seems to beno such exploitation by many; and becomes a rare one. So in order  to get a clear pictureof the level of exploitation of consumers, the awareness is required. 2. Role of producers proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date,etc. keep to requirements, norms, standards label products according requirements, providing true facts They have to produce and deliver the goods/services of right qualityat right price at right time at right place at right quantity with right faceIf they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and care. They mustalso make sure that any materials they provide as part of this service are fit for the purpose. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to areseller (wholesale or retail) because they have been discounting goods or advertisingdiscounts below prices set by the supplier. Some of the common methods of exploitation are 1.Under weight and under measurements –not measured or weighed correctly2.Substandard Quality –defective home appliances and medicines beyond expirydate3.High prices—charging above the retail price4.Duplicate Articles—selling fake items in the name of the original5.Adulteration and Impurity—is done to get higher profits6.Lack of safety Devices—absence of inbuilt safe guards in appliances7.Artificial Scarcity—hoarding and black marketing8.False and Incomplete Information—misleading information on quality, durability,and safety.9.Unsatisfactory after sales Service—high cost items like electronics and carsrequire constant and regular service.10.Rough behavior and Undue conditions—harassment in getting LPG connection or a telephone connection.. Factors causing exploitation of Consumers. 1.Limited Information—providing full and correct information will help in thechoice2.Limited Supplies—when goods and services are in short supply then price shootsup3.Limited Competition.—single producer may manipulate the market in terms of price and stocks.4.Low Literacy.—illiteracy leads to exploitation.Hence Consumer Awareness isessential Rise of consumer Awareness Kautilya was one of the earliest to write in his Arthashastra about the need for Consumer awareness and protection. With the growth of private sector there is a greater need for discipline and regulation of the market. Consumers must be aware of the sale and purchase of goods, the health and security aspects also. Ensuring the safety of food itemssold in the market is essential these days.Legal measures for consumer safety and consumer awareness must be uniform, andtransparent in terms of prices, quality of goods, and stocks. Consumers must have thetools to combat malpractices and protect their rights. Rights and Duties of Consumers As codified under the Indian Laws the Consumers have the following Rights 1.Right to Safety—to protect against hazardous goods2.Right to be Informed—about price, quality, purity3.Right to Choose—access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.4.Right to be Heard—consumers interest and welfare must be taken care of 5.Right to seek Redressal—protection against unfair trade practicesand settlinggenuine grievances.6.Right to Consumer Education.—Kowledge about goods and issues related toconsumers. Duties 1.Get a bill for every important purchase and also the Warranty card2.Check the ISI mark or Agmark on the goods3.Form consumer awareness groups4.Make a complaint on genuine grievances.5.Consumers must know to exercise their rights. Consumer protection Measure 1. Legislation concerning Consumer Rights. The Consumer Protection Act 1986 provides for consumer disputes redressal at the stateand national level. With the help of this law the agencies can solve grievances in aspeedy, simple and inexpensive manner. A separate department of consumer affairs wasset up at the state and central government. A three tier system of consumer courts at the National, State and District levels were set up. These agencies have done good work byhandling lakhs of cases. 2. Public Distribution System .To protect the poor from price rise and black marketing the government food  security tothe poor by supplying essentials through the ration or Fair price shops. 3. Standardisation of Products .These are done to assure the quality of products. The ISI stamp on goods is placed by theBureau of Indian standards. This caters to industrial and consumer goods. These goodscan be trusted to confirm to specific standards. Agmark is meant for Agricultural products.At the International level the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) locatedin Geneva sets common standards. The FAO and WHO provide food standards. 4.Legal formalities for filing a complaint .The complaint can be written on plain paper. The supporting documents like the warrantycard must be attached. A lawyer is not required. We can argue our case