Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun and Brown versus Board of Education :: Race Racial Segregation Lorraine Hansberry

The American Dream Langston Hughes wrote a poem, in 1951, called â€Å"Harlem†. It sums up the play A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry: â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore- and the run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?† Lorraine Hansberry uses this poem to open A Raisin in the Sun. This dialogue suggests what happens to the African American’s dream during the Brown v. Board of Education trials. While critiquing this play I was a little disappointed that Brown v. Board of Education was not discussed directly. However, I did find the plot of the play, and the people who were attending it to be very interesting. The plot of A Raisin in the Sun does not directly talk about the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Actually, very little of the play, until the end, deals with any kind of racial segregation. The play revolves around four main characters; Walter, a defiant husband who desperately wants to become rich; Ruth, Walter’s devoted wife; Beneatha, Walters intellectual younger sister, who is much better educated than the others and wants to become a doctor; and Mama, the head of the household, and also Walter and Beneatha’s mother. Mama inherits some money from her dead husbands insurance. With this money she buys a house in an all white community, and gives the rest to Walter. He is instructed to put some money away for Beneatha’s medical school, and the rest into a checking account for himself. Walter, however, desperate to become rich foolishly gives the money to his friend to invest in a liquor store. His so called friend runs off with all of the money Walter gave him. In order to get some money back for Beneatha to go to school, Walter wants to sell the house back to the white community. The community offered the Younger family a lot of money for the house, because they did not want Negroes living next to them. In the end however, Walter, realizes that it is this house that unifies the family and is what truly will make them happy, instead of being rich.

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