Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Anthropology or Sociology Essay

In the companionable sciences of sociology and heathen anthropology, police detectives have developed their own alone(predicate) style or research and investigational techniques. piece between these fields some techniques be similar, at that place atomic number 18 some differences. almost differences occur with the philosophical reasons certain techniques argon aimd.In the field of sociology detectives strive to translate social situations and to discover repeating patterns in society (Tischler, p.4, 2007). Two methods that sociologists use are hold observation and opinion research. right away observation involves first hand observations and obtaining breeding from knowledgeable informants of the group that is being studied. mickle research involves the find oution and analysis of development gain grounded through interviews and questionnaires.While there are different reasons and circumstances to use different research methods in the entropy collection proces s, in the field of sociology survey research does have some benefits. In earlier years the construction and boldness of surveys, and statistical methods for tabulating and interpreting their results, were widely regarded as the major sociological research technique (MSN Encarta, 2009). This allows researchers to learning populations on a broader area than using behave observation. It also enables the researcher to gather information on a population in a more(prenominal) efficient manner than some opposite methods. The results from surveys give a look into a groups perspective as a unanimous rather than individualized thoughts and opinions that can differ greatly even in niggling populations.Although sociology is similar to cultural anthropology in that they two larn human behavior, researchers of cultural anthropology flying field such topics as how quite a little stir their living, how deal interact with each other, what beliefs people hold, and what institutions orga nize people in a society (MSN Encarta, 2009). They also use a more direct method to gather data. Traditionally, much anthropological research involves long-term, direct observation of and participation in the liveness of another culture which is known as participant observation (MSN Encarta, 2009). This usually involves the researcher immersing themselves in the culture and living with thepeople they are arenaing.Another method industrious by cultural anthropologists is human ecology, which is the study of how cultures interact with their natural environment. Anthropologists may collect large amounts of data about features of a cultures environment, such as types of plants and animals, the chemical and nutritional properties of medicines and foods, and climate patterns (MSN Encarta, 2009). This information can wait on researcher understand certain characteristics of a peoples culture.While both of these fields of study involve studying people the methods utilise are different. T hey have different purposes in the collection of data. Sociologists mainly study social situations and use less of a direct approach in their research. Cultural anthologists study the culture as a on the whole and any influencing factors. Their use of cultural assimilation and the study of the natural environment border a particular culture are different from a sociologists approach. Despite these differences the goals to improve understand cultures and societies is still the common delineate that is shared between both.ReferencesAnthropology, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2009. Retrieved from whitethorn 25, 2009 fromhttp// 1997-2009 Microsoft Corporation.Sociology, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2009. Retrieved May 25, 2009 fromhttp// 1997-2009 Microsoft Corporation.Tischler, Henry. 2007. Introduction to Sociology. Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth.

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