Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Eating Disorders: Anorexia

It has been stated that nearly half of all Ameri buttockss in person know virtuallyone with an eating distract. This paper testament show the danger and effects of Anorexia Nervosa. A hold by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Dis nightclubs reported that ten dollar bill per centum of anorexics die within ten eld subsequently contracting the indisposition. Anorexia has quaternary primary symptoms vindication to maintaining soundbox free weight at or to a higher place a minimally normal weight for come on and height. Intense fear of weight gain or being fat, heretofore though underweight.Disturbance in the experience of frame weight or shape, excessive influence of weight or shape on ego-evaluation, or denial of the beneficialness of low body weight, loss of menstrual periods in girls and women post-puberty. Eigh teenaged to twenty per centum of anorexics forget be dead after twenty years and only forty part ever full recover. Treatment of an eating disoblige in the US ranges from %500 per day to well-nigh $2,00 per day. The average cost for a month of inmate word s about $30,00. It is estimated that individuals with eating dis raises bespeak whateverwhere from three o six months of convict c atomic number 18.Health insurance companies for several reasons do non typically cover the cost of hold dearing eating disorders. Do you ever think that right now, one percent of all women atomic number 18 starving themselves, some literally starving and exercising themselves to death? Eating disorders be becoming an epidemic they are confusing, complex diseases that more people know little about. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to obsess about their weight and the fodder they eat. To prevent weight gain or to slip away losing weight, people with anorexia nervosa whitethorn starve themselves or dress excessively.Anorexia Nervosa is described as one of the least dumb and most intrac subm it of all mental affectiones (Schindehette, Sandler, Nelson and Seaman, 2003, p. 136). galore(postnominal) of the victims of this disease will battle it for the rest of their lives. However, if Anorexia Nervosa is diagnosed early, during the teen years, it is possible to cure it with appropriate cut throughment (Cooper, 2001). oer time, the weight loss becomes a sign of deem condition and control. The drive to become thinner is actually secondary to concerns about control and/or fears relating to ones body.Therefore, women struggling with Anorexia Nervosa read effective treatment, and after four decades of research, at that place is an increase number of treatment options ranging from counseling, to nutritional therapy, to medical specialty. Yet, some researchers and victims quieten advocate that there is a need for make headway research in this area (Kaplan, 2002 Hendricks, 2003). In order to formally diagnose an individual with Anorexia nervosa, clinicians turn to the after part edition of the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV, 1994).The DMS-IV lists four criteria that an individual must meet in order to be diagnosed as anorexic, largely A. The individual maintains a body weight that is about 15% under normal for age, height and body type. B. The individual has an vehement fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though they are underweight. Paradoxically losing weight can make the fear of gaining even worse. C. The individual has a distorted body image. Some may recover fat all over, otherwises recognize that they are generally thin but see specific body parts as being too fat.Their self worth is based on their body coat and shape. They deny that their low body weight is serious cause for concern. D. In women, there is an absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. A woman as well as meets these criteria if her period occurs only eon she is taking a hormone pi ll (Orstoff, M & Hall, L. 1999). Recognizing symptoms, such as strict dieting, weight loss, engorge eating or fasting, feeling dizzy, weak, and/or depressed, in addition to insomnia family members should seek out the advice of a wellness care provider.The health care provider will take a complete aesculapian report as well as do a physical examination (Cooper, 2001). After this wreak is complete, thus the doctor can begin treating the patient with Anorexia Nervosa, which may include referrals to specialists in counseling, nutrition and other medical fields. cardinal tralatitious forms of treatment is counseling, the goal of psychotherapeutics is to work with the patient so that through therapy she or he will be able to control eating and maintain body weight. There are two primary types of psychotherapy, and they are individual therapy and family therapy. one-on-one therapy counsels one on one with the patient. Sometimes there is a team of medical specialists, yet the therap y sessions are between the patient and her doctor(s). This type of therapy has mixed results. fit in to an article in the diary of the American academy of Child and puerile psychiatry (1999), individual therapy is best when used in treating older adolescents and those who have late-onset Anorexia Nervosa (Robin et al. ), and a 2003 publication in The American Journal of Psychiatry concurs with this decideing (Pike, Walsh, Vitousek, Wilson and Bauer).However, both articles findings state that individual therapy is non the best treatment for small adolescents or those with early-onset Anorexia Nervosa. while individual therapy does not work well with younker adolescents or patients with early-onset Anorexia, family therapy seems to have made significant strides in treating this group of patients. In fact the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry stated, without the involvement of the parents and family as therapeutic allies, weight gain is extremely difficult to achieve (Geist, He inmaa, Stephens, Davis and Katzman, 2000).Family therapy may not only employ the assistance of parents and other family members, it can also call on schools and friends as part of the treatment system. One such strategy is a program called the Maudsley Method. This radically new treatment option was developed in the 1980s at the Institute of Psychiatry and Maudsley Hospital in London. This order coaches parents to help their kids gain weight by whatever means necessaryby preparing their favorite foods, with 24-hour supervise to prevent purging and hours of cajoling at the dinner table (Schindehette, Sandler, Nelson and Seaman, 2003, p. 36). Many studies report significantly greater achievement with family based therapy. People magazine (2003) reports that while the mortality rate judge for AN unbosom average around 5 to 20 percent, the Maudsley Method is reporting success rates as high as 90 percent five years after treatment was ab initio sought. Other studies agree that f amily therapy is one of the best treatments for young adolescents and those with early-onset AN (Robin et al. , 1999 Geist, Heinmaa, Stephens, Davis and Katzman, 2000). temporary hookup individual and family therapy two of the more traditional methods of treating Anorexia Nervosa, nutritional therapy, which is called psychoeducational therapy, is also commonly used. The aim of psychoeducation is the process of giving information about the nature of the disease in hopes to cultivate behavioral and attitudinal changes in the patient. Furthermore, a study has reported that family based psychoeducation produces the same results as family therapy while costing less (Geist, Heinmaa, Stephens, Davis and Katzman, 2000).However, these results may not be replicated with a group of older adolescents (Pike, Walsh, Vitousek, Wilson and Bauer, 2003). medication Medication is other method used to treat AN. Using medication, pharmacological therapy, to treat AN also has some promising results. Ac cording to European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, recent evidence suggests a role for medication in the relapse prevention stage of the illness (Kotler and Walsh, 2000). Medication is commonly used along with another form of treatment, as are many of the treatments, too. This is referred to as a multidisciplinary approach.Pharmacological therapy uses medicines that help the patient overturn the fear of becoming fat, depression and anxiety as well as weight gain (Cooper, 2001). While each of these treatments reports success in various groups or when combined with other treatments, there are still individuals who do not feel that the treatments are effective. One such person is Jennifer Hendricks who authored Slim to None, which is a nurse that chronicles her daily struggle with AN. Many times passim the text Hendricks stated that she did not feel that the treatments she was receiving were of any benefit.Christopher Athas, President of the American Institute of Anorexia Nervosa, stated in the foreword of Slim to None, There is a plain inadequacy of the mental health system to treat and fully understand this disease (2003, p. ix). Eventually Jennifer broken her battle and died. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry also states that there is a significant need to find effective management that truly impacts on long-term outcome (Kaplan, 2002, p. 236). Anorexia is not about feeling thin, tall or beautiful take the time to hark to an anorexic and hear that they are feeling fat, unprepossessing and inadequate.

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